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Process control instrumentation technology / Curtis Johnson.

by Johnson, Curtis D.

Edition: 5th ed. Publisher: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall, c1997Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 003.54,JOH (1).
Object-oriented systems analysis and design / Ronald J. Norman.

by Norman, Ronald J.

Publisher: Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall, c1996Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 004.21,NOR (1).
Programming the 80286, 80386, 80486, and pentium-based personal computer / Barry B. Brey.

by Brey, Barry B.

Publisher: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall, c1996Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 004.16,BRE (1).
Computer vision : a modern approach / David A. Forsyth [and] Jean Ponce.

by Forsyth, David | Ponce, Jean.

Publisher: Upper Saddle River, N.J. ; London : Prentice Hall, c2003Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 006.37,FOR (3).
Voice over IP / Uyless Black.

by Black, Uyless D | Franz, Mary.

Publisher: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall PTR, c2000Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 004.6,BLA (1).
Computer networks and internets / Douglas E. Comer.

by Comer, Douglas.

Edition: 2nd ed. Publisher: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall, c1999Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 004.6 COM (1).
Distributed systems : principles and paradigms / Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Maarten Van Steen.

by Tanenbaum, Andrew S | Steen, Maarten van.

Publisher: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall, c2002Availability: Items available for reference: Military College of Signals (MCS) Not for loanCall number: 004.36,TAN (1). :
Internetworking with TCP/IP : design, implementation, and internals / Douglas E. Comer.

by Comer, Douglas.

Edition: 2nd ed. Publisher: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall, 2000-Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 004.6,COM (1).
Standard C : a reference / P.J. Plauger, Jim Brodie.

by Plauger, P. J | Brodie, Jim, 1953-.

Publisher: Upper Saddle River,N.J. : Prentice Hall PTR, c1996Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 005.133,PLA (1).
Structured computer organization / Andrew S. Tanenbaum.

by Tanenbaum, Andrew S.

Edition: 4th ed. Publisher: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Pearson Prentice Hall, c2006Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 004.22,TAN (1).
Object-oriented development at work : fusion in the real world / Ruth Malan, Reed Letsinger, Derek Coleman.

by Malan, Ruth | Coleman, Derek | Letsinger, Reed.

Publisher: Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall PTR, c1996Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 005.12,MAL (1).
The Java/C++ cross-reference handbook / Frederick F. Chew.

by Chew, Frederick F.

Publisher: Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall, c1998Other title: Java/C plus plus cross-reference handbook.Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 005.133,CHE (1).
Cultivating successful software development : a practitioner's view / Scott E. Donaldson and Stanley G. Siegel.

by Donaldson, Scott E | Siegel, Stanley G.

Publisher: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall, c1997Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 005.12,DON (1).
Ad Hoc wireless networks : architectures and protocols / C. Silva Ram Murthy, B.S. Manoj.

by Murthy, C. Siva Ram | Manoj, B. S.

Publisher: Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall/PTR, c2004Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 004.65,MUR (1).
MPLS and label switching networks / Uyless Black.

by Black, Uyless D.

Publisher: Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall, 2001Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 004.66,BLA (1).
Programming in C with numerical methods for engineers / K.B. Rojiani.

by Rojiani, Kamal B.

Publisher: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall, 1996Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 005.133,ROJ (2).
Wireless and cellular networks / Steve Wisniewski.

by Wisniewski, Steve.

Publisher: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Pearson/Prentice Hall, c2005Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 004.68,WIS (1).
Network programming with windows sockets / Pat Bonner.

by Bonner, Patrice.

Publisher: Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall PTR, c1996Other title: Windows Sockets.Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 005.712,BON (1).
Fuzzy engineering / Bart Kosko.

by Kosko, Bart.

Publisher: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall, c1997Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 629.83,KOS (1).
Uncertain Rule-Based Fuzzy Logic Systems : Introduction and new Directions / Jerry M. Mendel.

by Mendel, Jerry M.

Publisher: Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall PTR, c2001Availability: Items available for reference: Military College of Signals (MCS) Not for loanCall number: 511.3,MEN (1). :
Discrete Mathematical Structures / Bernard Kolman, Robert C. Busby, Sharon Cutler Ross.

by Kolman, Bernard | Busby, Robert C | Ross, Sharon Cutler, 1943-.

Edition: 5th ed. / Publisher: Upper Saddle River, NJ : Pearson Prentice Hall, c2004Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 511.6,KOL (1).
Discrete mathematical structures / Bernard Kolman, Robert C. Busby & Sharon Ross

by Kolman, Bernard | Busby, Robert C | Kolman, Bernard, 1932- | Ross, Sharon Cutler, 1943-.

Edition: 3rd ed Publisher: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall, c1996Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 511.6,KOL (1).
Elementary differential equations / Earl D. Rainville, Phillip E. Bedient, Richard E. Bedient.

by Rainville, Earl David | Bedient, Phillip Edward, 1922- | Bedient, Richard E.

Edition: 8th ed. Publisher: Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall, c1997Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 515.35,RAI (1).
Elementary applied partial differential equations : with Fourier series and boundary value problems / Richard Haberman.

by Haberman, Richard.

Edition: 3rd ed. Publisher: Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall, c1998Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 515.353,HAB (1).
Applied multivariate statistical analysis / Richard A. Johnson, Dean W. Wichern.

by Johnson, Richard Arnold | Wichern, Dean W.

Edition: 4th ed. Publisher: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall, c1998Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 519.535,JOH (1).
Applied Physics / Dale Ewen, Neill Schurter, P. Erik Gundersen.

by Ewen, Dale | Ewen, Dale, 1941- | Gundersen, P. Erik | Schurter, Neill.

Edition: 8th ed. / Publisher: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Pearson Prentice Hall, c2005Online access: Table of contents Availability: Items available for reference: Military College of Signals (MCS) Not for loanCall number: 530,EWE (1). :
Database management and design / Gary W. Hansen, James V. Hansen.

by Hansen, Gary W | Hansen, James V.

Edition: 2nd ed. Publisher: Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, c1996Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 005.74,HAN (1).
Speaking Technically : a Handbook for Scientists, Engineers, and Physicians on how to Improve Technical Presentations / Sinclair Goodlad.

by Goodlad, Sinclair.

Publisher: London, Eng. : River Edge, NJ : Imperial College Press ; distributed by World Scientific, c1996Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 600,GOO (1).
Neuro-fuzzy and soft computing : a computational approach to learning and machine intelligence / Jyh-Shing Roger Jang, Chuen-Tsai Sun, Eiji Mizutani.

by Jang, Jyh-Shing Roger | Mizutani, Eiji | Sun, Chuen-Tsai.

Publisher: Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall, c1997Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 006.31,JAN (1).
Fuzzy Logic : Intelligence, Control, and Information / John Yen and Reza Langari.

by Yen, John | Langari, Reza.

Publisher: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall, c1999Availability: Items available for reference: Military College of Signals (MCS) Not for loanCall number: 511.3,YEN (1). :
Computer vision and fuzzy-neural systems (Include CD) Arun D. Kulkarni.

by Kulkarni, Arun D.

Publisher: Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall PTR, c2001Availability: Items available for reference: Military College of Signals (MCS) Not for loanCall number: 006.37,KUL (1). :
Engineering mechanics statics / R.C. Hibbeler.

by Hibbeler, R. C.

Edition: 4th ed. Publisher: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall, c1998Availability: No items available : Checked out (1).
Engineering Mechanics Dynamics / R.C. Hibbeler.

by Hibbeler, R. C.

Edition: SI ed. Publisher: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall, c1998Availability: Items available for reference: Military College of Signals (MCS) Not for loanCall number: 620.1,HIB (1). :
Digital systems : principles and applications / Ronald J. Tocci, Neal S. Widmer.

by Tocci, Ronald J | Widmer, Neal S.

Edition: 6th ed. Publisher: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall, c1995Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 621.381,TOC (2).
Physics : for Scientist and Engineers with Modern Physics / Paul M. Fishbane, Stephen G. Gasiorowicz and Stephen T. Thornton

by Fishbane, Paul M | Gasiorowicz, Stephen | Thornton, Stephen T.

Edition: 3rd ed. Publisher: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Pearson Prentice Hall, c2005Availability: Items available for reference: Military College of Signals (MCS) Not for loanCall number: 530,FIS (1). :
Digital image processing / Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods.

by Gonzalez, Rafael C | Woods, Richard E, 1954-.

Edition: 2nd ed. Publisher: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall, c2002Online access: Table of contents Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 621.367,GON (3).
Principles of electric circuits : Electron flow version / Thomas L. Floyd.

by Floyd, Thomas L.

Publisher: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall, c2010Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 621.3192,FLO (1).
An introduction to fiber optics / R. Allen Shotwell.

by Shotwell, R. Allen.

Publisher: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall, c1997Availability: Items available for reference: Military College of Signals (MCS) Not for loanCall number: 621.3692,SHO (1). :
Digital electronics with VHDL / (Include CD) William Kleitz.

by Kleitz, William.

Publisher: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Pearson/Prentice Hall, c2004Availability: Items available for reference: Military College of Signals (MCS) Not for loanCall number: 621.381,KLE (1). :
Digital integrated circuits : a design perspective / Jan M. Rabaey.

by Rabaey, Jan M.

Publisher: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall, c1996Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 621.395,RAB (1).
Semiconductor devices / Kanaan Kano.

by Kano, Kanaan.

Publisher: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall, c1998Availability: Items available for reference: Military College of Signals (MCS) Not for loanCall number: 621.38152,KAN (1). :
Electric circuits fundamentals / Thomas L. Floyd.

by Floyd, Thomas L.

Edition: 4th ed. Publisher: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall, c1998Availability: Items available for reference: Military College of Signals (MCS) Not for loanCall number: 621.3815,FLO (1). :
Fundamentals of signals and systems using MATLAB / Edward W. Kamen, Bonnie S. Heck.

by Kamen, Edward W | Heck, Bonnie S.

Edition: International ed. Publisher: Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall, c1997Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 621.3822,KAM (2).
DSP system design : (Include CD) using the TMS320C6000 / Nasser Kehtarnavaz, Mansour Keramat.

by Kehtarnavaz, Nasser | Keramat, Mansour.

Publisher: Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall, c2001Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 621.3822 KEH (1).
Digital signal processors : architectures, implementations, and applications / Sen M. Kuo and Woon-Seng Gan.

by Kuo, Sen M | Gan, Woon-Seng.

Publisher: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Pearson/Prentice Hall, c2005Availability: Items available for reference: Military College of Signals (MCS) Not for loanCall number: 621.3822,KUO (1). :
Mathematical methods and algorithms for signal processing / (Include CD) Todd K. Moon, Wynn C. Stirling.

by Moon, Todd K | Stirling, Wynn C.

Publisher: Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall, 2000Availability: Items available for reference: Military College of Signals (MCS) Not for loanCall number: 621.3822,MOO (1). :
C algorithms for real-time DSP / Paul M. Embree.

by Embree, Paul M.

Publisher: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall PTR, c1995Availability: Items available for reference: Military College of Signals (MCS) Not for loanCall number: 621.3822,EMB (1). :
C++ algorithms for digital signal processing / (Include CD) Paul M. Embree, Damon Danieli.

by Embree, Paul M | Danieli, Damon.

Edition: 2nd ed. / Publisher: Upper Saddler River, NJ : Prentice Hall, c1999Availability: Items available for reference: Military College of Signals (MCS) Not for loanCall number: 621.3822,EMB (1). :
Multirate signal processing for communication systems / Fredric J. Harris.

by Harris, Fred.

Publisher: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall PTR, c2004Availability: Items available for reference: Military College of Signals (MCS) Not for loanCall number: 621.3822,HAR (1). :
ATM Vol.II / signaling in broadband networks / Uyless Black.

by Black, Uyless D.

Edition: Vol. 2 Publisher: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall, c1999-Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 621.382,BLA (1).
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