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Director 8 and Lingo authorized by Phil Gross

by Gross, Phil.

Publisher: Berkeley, Calif. : [Harlow] : Macromedia Press in association with Peachpit Press ; [distributed by Addison Wesley Longman], 2000Other title: Macromedia Director 8 and Lingo authorized..Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 006.786 GRO (5).
Rethinking smart objects ; building artificial knowledge with objects building artificial knowledge with objects Daniel W. Rasmus.

by Rasmus, Daniel W.

Publisher: New York : Cambridge University Press, 1998Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 006.3 RAS (1).
Independent component analysis : a tutorial introduction a tutorial introduction James V. Stone.

by Stone, James V.

Publisher: Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c2004Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 006.32 STO (1).
3-D computer graphics : a mathematical introduction with OpenGL Samuel R. Buss.

by Buss, Samuel R.

Publisher: New York : Cambridge University Press, 2003Online access: Sample text | Table of contents | Publisher description Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 006.693 BUS (1).
Data mining your website Mena, Jesus

Publisher: cBoston : Digital Press, c1999Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 006.3 MEN (1).
Software agents edited by Jeffrey M. Bradshaw.

by Bradshaw, Jeffrey M.

Publisher: Menlo Park, Calif. : Cambridge, Mass. : AAAI Press ; MIT Press, c1997Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 006.3 BRA (1).
Learn 3D graphics programming on the PC / Richard F. Ferraro.

by Ferraro, Richard F.

Publisher: Reading, Mass. : Addison-Wesley Developers Press , c1996Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 006.6 FER (1).
Computational learning theory : an introduction Martin Anthony & Norman Biggs.

by Anthony, Martin | Biggs, Norman.

Publisher: Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1992Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 006.31 ANT (1).
The emergence of everything: how the world became complex how the world became complex Harold J. Morowitz.

by Morowitz, Harold J.

Publisher: Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2002Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 116 MOR (1).
Practical neural network recipes in C++ Timothy Masters.

by Masters, Timothy.

Publisher: Boston : Academic Press, c1993Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 006.3 MAS (1).
How multimedia works Erik Holsinger ; illustrated by Nevin Berger ; [foreword by Richard Hart].

by Holsinger, Erik.

Publisher: Emeryville, Calif. : Ziff-Davis Press, c1994Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 006.6 HOL (1).
Flash 5 f/x and design Bill Sanders.

by Sanders, William B.

Publisher: New Delhi : Dreamtech Press, c2001Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 006.69 SAN (1).
Cartographic design using ArcView GIS Ed Madej.

by Madej, Ed.

Edition: 1st ed. Publisher: Albany, N.Y. : OnWord Press, c2001Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 006.6 MAD (1).
Multimedia over IP and wireless networks: compression, networking, and systems compression, networking, and systems Philip A. Chou, Mihaela van der Schaar

by Chou, Philip A | Chou, Philip A | Schaar, Mihaela van der.

Publisher: Amsterdam ; Boston : Elsevier/Academic Press, c2007Online access: Publisher description Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 006.7 CHO (4).
Certified Macromedia Flash MX designer study guide Christopher Hayes.

by Hayes, Chris.

Publisher: Berkeley, Calif. : Macromedia Press, c2003Other title: Macromedia Flash MX designer study guide | Certified Flash MX designer study guide.Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 006.78 HAY (2).
Certified Macromedia Flash MX developer study guide Neeld Tanksley, Luke Bayes and John Elstad.

by Tanksley, Neeld | Elstad, John | Bayes, Luke.

Publisher: Berkeley, Calif. : Macromedia Press, 2003Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 006.78 TAN (2).
Flash 4 : creative Web animation Derek Franklin, Brooks Patton.

by Franklin, Derek | Patton, Brooks.

Publisher: Berkeley, CA : Macromedia Press : c2000Other title: Creative Web animation.Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 006.696 FRA (4).
Programming Microsoft ADO.NET 2.0 applications : advanced topics advanced topics Glenn Johnson.

by Johnson, Glenn.

Edition: 2005 ed. Publisher: Redmond, Wash. : Microsoft Press, c2006Other title: ADO.NET 2.0 applications. | Programming ADO.NET 2.0 applications : advanced topics..Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 005.276 JOH (1).
How computer graphics work Jeff Prosise ; illustrated by Gary Suen.

by Prosise, Jeff.

Publisher: Emeryville, Calif. : Ziff-Davis Press, c1994Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 006.6 PRO (1).
Flash 4 for Windows and Macintosh Katherine Ulrich.

by Ulrich, Katherine.

Publisher: Berkeley, CA Peachpit Press, c1999Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 006.696 ULC (5).
Internet roadside attractions : sites sounds and scenes along the information superhighway sites, sounds & scenes along the information superhighway Gareth Branwyn

by Branwyn, Gareth.

Edition: 1st ed. Publisher: Chapel Hill, NC : Ventana Press, c1995Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 025.04 BRA (1).
Carnegie libraries across America: a public legacy a public legacy Theodore Jones.

by Jones, Theodore.

Publisher: [Washington, D.C.] : New York : Preservation Press ; John Wiley, c1997Online access: Contributor biographical information | Publisher description | Table of contents Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 027.473 JON (1).
Flash 5 for Windows and Macintosh Katherine Ulrich.

by Ulrich, Katherine.

Publisher: Berkeley, CA : Peachpit Press, c2001Other title: Flash five for Windows and Macintosh | Macromedia Flash for Windows & Macintosh | Macromedia Flash 5 for Windows & Macintosh.Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 006.696 ULR (1).
An intellectual history of psychology / Daniel N. Robinson.

by Robinson, Daniel N, 1937-.

Edition: 3rd ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Madison, Wis. : University of Wisconsin Press, c1995Online access: Contributor biographical information | Publisher description Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 150.9 ROB (2).
Data structures and algorithms in Java Robert Lafore.

by Lafore, Robert.

Edition: 2. uppl. Publisher: NewDelhi : Waite Group Press Techmedia, 2002Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 005.73 LAF (1).
The strategy of conflict Thomas C. Schelling

by Schelling, Thomas C.

Publisher: Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, cop. 1960Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 158 SCH (1).
The Cambridge companion to Bertrand Russell Nicholas Griffin.

by Griffin, Nicholas.

Publisher: Cambridge, U.K. ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2003Other title: Bertrand Russell.Online access: Sample text | Table of contents | Publisher description Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 192 GRI (1).
The first philosophers : the presocratics and sophists the presocratics and sophists Robin Waterfield.

by Waterfield, Robin, 1952-.

Publisher: Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2000Availability: No items available : Checked out (1).
Critique of pure reason Paul Guyer, Allen W. Wood

by Kant, Immanuel | Guyer, Paul, 1948- [trl] | Wood, Allen W [trl].

Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1998Online access: Table of contents Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 121 KAN (1).
A treatise of human nature David Hume, David Fate Norton, Mary J. Norton, David Fate Norton.

by Hume, David | Norton, David Fate | Norton, Mary J.

Publisher: Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2000Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 121 HUM (1).
VB Oracle 8 programmer's reference Dov Trietsch [and] John Mason.

by Trietsch, Dov | Mason, John, 1967-.

Publisher: Birmingham, UK ; Chicago, IL : Wrok Press, 1999Other title: Visual Basic Oracle 8 | Visual Basic Oracle eight.Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 005.7585 TRI (1).
The good research guide: for small-scale social research projects for small-scale social research projects / Martyn Denscombe.

by Denscombe, Martyn.

Publisher: Buckingham [England] ; Philadelphia, Pa. : Open University Press, 1998Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 001.42 DEN (2).
Pakistan the economy of an elitist state Ishrat Husain

by Husain, Ishrat.

Publisher: Karachi: Oxford University Press, 1999Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 330.95491 HUS (1).
Tasawaf Sheikh Muhammad Allah Ditta.

by Sheikh Muhammad Allah Ditta.

Publisher: Lahore : Shirkat Printing Press, 1984Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 297.2 SHE (1).
Pakistan's Foreign Policy A Reappraisal Shahid M. Amin

by Shahid M. Amin.

Publisher: Karachi : Oxford University Press, 2007Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 327.5491 AMI (1). Pending hold (1).
Ethnography and human development: context and meaning in social inquiry context and meaning in social inquiry edited by Richard Jessor, Anne Colby, and Richard A. Shweder.

by Jessor, Richard | Colby, Anne, 1946- | Shweder, Richard A.

Publisher: Chicago : University of Chicago Press, c1996Online access: Publisher description | Table of contents Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 305.8001 JES (1).
A Framework of Modern Political Theory S. L, Verma

by Verma, S. L.

Publisher: India: Academic Press, 2007Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 320.01 VER (2).
Pentagon's reference library Quotations Book Pentagon's

Publisher: New Delhi: Pentagon Press, 2004Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 080 PEN (1).
Research projects and research proposals: a guide for scientists seeking funding a guide for scientists seeking funding Paul G. Chapin ; with a foreword by Alan I. Leshner.

by Chapin, Paul G.

Publisher: Cambridge, U. K. ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2004Online access: Table of contents | Sample text | Publisher description | Contributor biographical information Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 001.42 CHA (1).
Doing your research project: a guide for first-time researchers in education and social science a guide for first-time researchers in education and social science Judith Bell

by Bell, Judith.

Edition: 3rd ed. Publisher: Buckingham : Open University Press, 1993Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 001.42 BEL (2).
Discourses of Rumi translated by A. J. Arberry

by Rumi, Jalal ad-Din | Arberry, A.J, 1905-1969 [oth].

Publisher: Richmond : Curzon Press, 1993Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 297.4 ARB (1).
Database concepts David M. Kroenke, David J. Auer

by Kroenke, David | Auer, David J.

Edition: Economy ed. Publisher: New Delhi : PHI Press, 2003Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 005.74 KRO (1).
Outlines of Muhammadam law Asaf A. A. Fyzee

by Fyzee, Asaf Ali Asghar.

Edition: 4. ed., [New ed.] Publisher: New Delhi ; Oxford Univ. Press, cop. 1999Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 340.59 FYZ (6).
The Lion of Allah: Hazrat Ali-ul-Murtaza Syed Afsar Ali Shah Book

by Shah, Syed Afsar Ali.

Publisher: Lahore : Intikhab-e-Jadeed Press Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 297.648 SHA (2).
Constitutional and political history of Pakistan Hamid Khan.

by Khan, Hamid.

Publisher: Karachi : Oxford University Press, 2001Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 342.5491029 KHA (1).
Constitutional and political history of Pakistan Hamid Khan.

by Khan, Hamid.

Publisher: Karachi : Oxford University Press, 2005Online access: Publisher description Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 342.5491029 HAM (2).
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