Your search returned 17 results.

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Real analysis / Halsey Royden.

by Royden, Halsey.

Edition: 3nd ed. Publisher: [S.l.] : Prentice Hall, 1988Availability: Items available for loan: School of Natural Sciences (SNS)Call number: 515.8 ROY (1).
Programming in mathematica / Roman Maeder.

by Maeder, Roman.

Edition: 3nd ed. Publisher: [S.l.] : Addison-Wesley Professional, 1997Availability: Items available for loan: School of Natural Sciences (SNS)Call number: 510.28553 MAE (1).
Classical mechanics / Herbert Goldstein, Charles P. Poole, John L. Safko.

by Goldstein, Herbert | Poole, Charles P | Safko, John L.

Edition: 3rd ed. Publisher: [S.l.] : Addison Wesley, 2002Availability: Items available for reference: School of Natural Sciences (SNS) Not For LoanCall number: 531 GOL (1). : Checked out (1).
Matrix computations / Gene H. Golub, Charles F. van Van Loan.

by Golub, Gene H | Loan, Charles F. van Van.

Edition: 3rd ed. Publisher: [S.l.] : The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996Availability: Items available for loan: School of Natural Sciences (SNS)Call number: 512.9434 GOL (1).
Introduction to electrodynamics / David J. Griffiths.

by Griffiths, David J | Griffiths, David J.

Edition: 3rd ed. Publisher: [S.l.] : Benjamin Cummings, 1999Availability: Items available for loan: School of Natural Sciences (SNS)Call number: 537.6 GRI (1). Items available for reference: School of Natural Sciences (SNS) Not For LoanCall number: 537.6 GRI (1). Checked out (1).
Fundamentals of complex analysis with applications to engineering, science, and mathematics / Edward B. Saff, Arthur David Snider.

by Saff, Edward B | Snider, Arthur David.

Edition: 3nd ed. Publisher: [S.l.] : Prentice Hall, 2009Availability: Items available for loan: School of Natural Sciences (SNS)Call number: 515 SAF (1).
Linear algebra / Stephen H. Friedberg, Arnold J. Insel, Lawrence E. Spence.

by Friedberg, Stephen H | Insel, Arnold J | Spence, Lawrence E.

Edition: 3rd ed. Publisher: [S.l.] : Prentice Hall, 1997Availability: Items available for loan: School of Natural Sciences (SNS)Call number: 512.5 FRI (1).
Programming in mathematica / Roman Maeder.

by Maeder, Roman.

Edition: 3nd ed. Publisher: [S.l.] : Addison-Wesley Professional, 1997Availability: Items available for loan: Pakistan Navy Engineering College (PNEC)Call number: 510.2855 MAE (1).
Linear algebra / Stephen H. Friedberg, Arnold J. Insel, Lawrence E. Spence.

by Friedberg, Stephen H | Insel, Arnold J | Spence, Lawrence E.

Edition: 4th ed. Publisher: [S.l.] : Prentice Hall, 1997Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 512.5,FRI (1).
Global marketing : a decision-oriented approach / Svend Hollensen.

by Hollensen, Svend.

Edition: 3nd ed. Publisher: [S.l.] : Prentice Hall, 2004Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 658.84 HOL (1).
Iso 9000 quality systems handbook / David Hoyle.

by Hoyle, David.

Edition: 3rd ed. Publisher: [S.l.] : Butterworth-Heinemann, 1998Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 658.5620218 HOY (1).
Financial theory and corporate policy / Thomas E. Copeland.

by Copeland, Thomas E | Weston, J. Fred.

Edition: 3nd ed. Publisher: [S.l.] : Addison Wesley, 1988Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 658.15 COP (2).
Information technology : principles, practices, and opportunities / James A. Senn.

by Senn, James A.

Edition: 3nd ed. Publisher: [S.l.] : Prentice Hall, 2003Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 650.0285 SEN (1).
Information technology : principles, practices, and opportunities / James A. Senn.

by Senn, James A.

Edition: 3nd ed. Publisher: [S.l.] : Prentice Hall, 2003Online access: | Amazon customer reviews Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 658.02854 JON (1).
Visual programming with hp-vee / Robert Helsel, Hewlett Packard.

by Helsel, Robert | Packard, Hewlett.

Edition: 3rd ed. Publisher: [S.l.] : Prentice Hall PTR, 1998Online access: Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 006 HEL (2).
How to measure human resource management / Jac Fitz-enz.

by Fitz-enz, Jac.

Edition: 3nd ed. Publisher: [S.l.] : McGraw-Hill, 2001Online access: Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 658.3 FIT (1).
International relations theory : realism, pluralism, globalism, and beyond / Paul R. Viotti, Mark V. Kauppi.

by Viotti, Paul R | Kauppi, Mark V.

Edition: 3nd ed. Publisher: [S.l.] : Prentice Hall, 1998Online access: Availability: No items available : Lost (1).
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