
Did you mean: LOGIC DESIGN- DATA PROCESSING , INTEGRATED CIRCUITS VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION -DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION DATA PROCESSING, COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN.VLSI PIPING.PIPING SYSTEMS.PIPING DESIGN EQUATIONS.PIPING FATIGUE ANALYSIS.PIPING SYSTEMS AND PIPELINE LAYOUT.PIPING CORROSION MECHANISMS.PIPING REPAIR TECHNIQUES LOGIC CIRCUIT -DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION- DATA PROCESSING, VERILOG-COMPUTER HARDWARE DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE, COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN C++ - COMPUTER PROGRAM LANGUAGE.ABSTRACT DATA TYPES.PROBLEM SOLVING -DATA PROCESSING.DATA ABSTRACTION AND PROBLEM SOLVING WITH C++ MS-MECH-84 MSTHESIS ABSTRACT. Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems (RMS) effectively respond to fluctuating market needs and customer demands for finished product. Diagnosability is a supporting characteristic of RMS that has a say in the quality of finished product. Cost and time taken for manufacturing are also considerably affected if proper diagnosability measures are not taken. Previous studies on Diagnosability of RMS have been studied from Axiomatic System Theory as such Design For Diagnosability (DFD). Nevertheless Diagnosability remains to be the least studied characteristic of RMS. With the availability of digitized data, Machine Learning approaches to advance manufacturing have proven to be considerably effective. A research gap existed for the application of Machine Learning techniques in improving the Diagnosability of RMS. A framework of Machine Learning has been proposed to address this gap. The working of the framework has been illustrated by two demonstrations from the available datasets, one in identifying proper signals in semi-conductor manufacturing to predict excursions, and the second in predicting machine failures due to a variety of factors. The framework is rendered in a concurrent-engineering fashion. The framework is tested against two available manufacturing datasets. Increase in Diagnosability will decrease the cost and time taken to production. Key Words: Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Preventive Maintenance, Intelligent Manufacturing MS-CSE-15 MSTHESIS ABSTRACT. The use of web and mobile applications is growing very rapidly in the modern era. Due to high end demand of such applications, the software stakeholders want the applications to be available on both mobile and web. In software industry this requires more efforts to develop applications for both mobile and web. Consequently, more resources with different technology experts are needed for the development of multiplatform applications. The software engineers always look for time saving and robust methodology for good, quick and qualitative software development. Web and mobile applications usually composed of three layers i.e. application, business and data. Application layer deals with the UI related concepts that run on browser. On the other hand, business layer deals with the business logic that is usually implemented on server side. Finally, data layer deals the data access from database. We have performed the literature review in which we found that a methodology is needed where the software engineers can generate scaffolding code for the data and presentation layers considering the modern development technologies of hybrid (ionic) and web apps (angular). Normally in software industry, the system analysts design the class diagram and is handled over to the software developers. The developers start writing code in client side technology, server side technology and also generate database according to the class diagram. We have proposed the model-based methodology for the development of applications for both mobile and web applications, because, Model Driven Architecture (MDA) is renowned software design approach in software industry that make the software development very rapid and consistent. MDA facilitate the development of multiplatform applications from one UML diagram. Specifically, by applying the principle of "Run everywhere after develop once", we have designed a profile which have data types and stereotypes of model, class and property meta-class. We have generated the code from class diagram by Acceleo. Our methodology is validated by two case studies demonstrating that the idea is workable. Moreover, one empirical case study was given to 12 industry professional, for evaluating the saving of development effort using the proposed methodology. We found that the proposed approach reduced the amount of effort significantly. Key Words: Hybrid App, Web App, Model-Based Scaffolding, CRUD, MDA, Web service Aménagement du territoire Aspect de l'environnement Pays en voie de développement. All Pakistan legal decisions (Lahore, Pakistan : Annual) FLUID MECHANICS; MECHANICS OF MATERIALS; DYNAMICS; STATICS; PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS; COMPUTERS; DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS; CALCULUS; LINEAR ALGEBRA; ANALYTIC GEOMETRY; PRECALCULUS SIGNAL PROCESSING ARRAY PROCESSORS DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION INTEGRATED CIRCUITS VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION Project Supervisor Dr. Muwahida Liaquat Project Co-supervisor Lt. Col. Dr. Rahat Ali MOTOR VEHICLES-POLLUTION CONTROL DEVICES MOTOR VEHICLES-ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS AIR -POLLUTION LAW AND LEGLISLATION ELECTRONIC DIGITAL COMPUTERS-CIRCUITS-DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION-DATA PROCESSING VHDL HARDWARE DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE SYSTEM DESIGN - DATA PROCESSING INFORMATION LEGAL PRACTICE DATA PROTECTION PRINCIPLES INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY-COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT PROTECTION E-COMMERCE LAWS CYBER CRIME AND LAW Project Supervisor Dr Umer Asgher Dr Rehan Zafar Paracha Lec Usman Asad TELECOMMUNICATION..LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE NETWORKS.DATA COMMUNICATIONS.LOCAL AREA NETWORKS.LAN.WAN.WIDE AREA NETWORKS.METROPOLITION AREA NETWORKS.CCITT SIGNALING SYSTEM.VOICE OVER PACKETS IN A PACKET NETWORK.TELEVISION TRANSMISSION.CATV.COMMUNITY ANTENNA TELEVISION.CABLE TELEVISION.CELLULAR AND PCS RADIO SYSTEMS.NETWORK MANAGEMENT AIR DEFENCE LAND-BASED AIR DEFENCE.MAN PORTABLE SURFACE TO AIR MISSILE SYSTEMS.SELF PROPELLED ANTI AIRCRAFT GUN.UNIVERSAL MISSILES.MULTIPURPOSE MISSILES.LAND MISSILES.AIR MISSILES.SEA MISSILES.CONTROL SYSTEMS OF ANTI AIRCRAFT.TOWED ANTI AIR CRAFT GUN.STATIC AND TOWED SURFACE TO AIR MISSILE SYSTEMS INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING HANDBOOK. PRODUCTIVITY, PERFORMANCE AND ETHICS.ENGINEERING ECONOMICS.WORK ANALYSIS AND DESIGN.WORK MEASUREMENT AND TIME STANDARDS.ERGONOMICS AND SAFETY.COMPENSATION MANAGEMENT AND LABOR RELATIONS.LOGISTICS AND DISTRIBUTION.INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION MANAGEMENT.PRODUCT DESIGN AND QUALITY MANAGEMENT.MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES.MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT ANALOG-DIGITAL SYSTEMS-MODELING AND SIMULATION SIMULATION OF MIXED ANALOG-DIGITAL SYSTEMS ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS SIGNAL PROCESSING ANALOG AND DIGITAL CIRCUITS ELECTRO-OPTICAL DEVICE-SIMULATORS PIECEWISE LINEAR TECHNIQUESC CELLULAR ARRAY PROCESSOR-HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING COMPUTER NETWORKS NETWORKS CLASSIFICATION NETWORK TOPOLOGIES PROTOCOLS ISO SEVEN LAYER REFERENCE MANUAL NOVELL NETWARE WINDOWS NT SERVER LAN CHARACTERISATION LAN ACCESS PROTOCOLS NETWORKING-PERSONAL COMPUTER PUBLIC PACKET SWITCHED DATA NETWORKS WIDE AREA NETWORKS-INDIA DATA COMMUNICATION CELLULAR TELEPHONY SATELLITE COMMUNICATION COMMUNICATION PROTOCOLS ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION MULTIPLE ACCESS PROTOCOLS IEEE STANDARD FOR LAN AND MAN BRIDGES ROUTERS RADIO MICROWAVE AND SATELLITE CHANNELS INTERNETS TCP-IP PROTOCOLS EDI STANDARDS INTERNET COMMERCE ARCHITECTURE INTRANETS INTERNET BASED E-COMMERCE ELECTRONIC PAYMENT SYSTEMS VALUE ADDED SERVICES E-COMMERCE LAWS SECURITY IMPLICATION
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