
Did you mean: Search also for broader subjects Search also for narrower subjects Search also for related subjects DICTIONARY OF CURRENT ENGLISH ADVANCED LEARNER,S DICTIONARY OF CURRENT ENGLISH ENGLISH LANGUAGE DICTIONARY ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT -TESTING.ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES.DATA CONVERTERS.OSCILLOSCOPES.DSO TECHNIQUES.ELECTRONIC COUNTERS.SPECTRUM ANALYSIS.SENSORS.CALIBRATION OF INSTRUMENTS TURBULENT COMBUSTION DETONATIONS AND SHOCK INDUCED COMBUSTION SCRAMJET COMBUSTION COMBUSTION CONTROL COMBUSTION INSTABILITY COMBUSTION OF SOLID PROPELLANTS COMBUSTION OF LIQUID FUELS COMBUSTION OF ENGINES GAS TURBINE AND FURANCE COMBUSTION CATALYTIC COMBUSTION MATERIAL SYNTHESIS ELEMENTARY REACTION KINETICS KINETICS MECHANISMS LAMINAR PREMIXED FLAMES LAMINAR DIFFUSION FLAMES COMBUSTION OF SOLID FUELS FIRE IGNITION AND FLAME SPREAD TURBULENT COMBUSTION DETONATIONS AND SHOCK INDUCED COMBUSTION SCRAMJET COMBUSTION COMBUSTION CONTROL COMBUSTION INSTABILITY COMBUSTION OF SOLID PROPELLANTS COMBUSTION OF LIQUID FUELS COMBUSTION OF ENGINES GAS TURBINE AND FURANCE COMBUSTION CATALYTIC COMBUSTION MATERIAL SYNTHESIS ELEMENTARY REACTION KINETICS KINETICS MECHANISMS LAMINAR PREMIXED FLAMES LAMINAR DIFFUSION FLAMES COMBUSTION OF SOLID FUELS FIRE IGNITION AND FLAME SPREAD MS-CSE-15 MSTHESIS ABSTRACT. The use of web and mobile applications is growing very rapidly in the modern era. Due to high end demand of such applications, the software stakeholders want the applications to be available on both mobile and web. In software industry this requires more efforts to develop applications for both mobile and web. Consequently, more resources with different technology experts are needed for the development of multiplatform applications. The software engineers always look for time saving and robust methodology for good, quick and qualitative software development. Web and mobile applications usually composed of three layers i.e. application, business and data. Application layer deals with the UI related concepts that run on browser. On the other hand, business layer deals with the business logic that is usually implemented on server side. Finally, data layer deals the data access from database. We have performed the literature review in which we found that a methodology is needed where the software engineers can generate scaffolding code for the data and presentation layers considering the modern development technologies of hybrid (ionic) and web apps (angular). Normally in software industry, the system analysts design the class diagram and is handled over to the software developers. The developers start writing code in client side technology, server side technology and also generate database according to the class diagram. We have proposed the model-based methodology for the development of applications for both mobile and web applications, because, Model Driven Architecture (MDA) is renowned software design approach in software industry that make the software development very rapid and consistent. MDA facilitate the development of multiplatform applications from one UML diagram. Specifically, by applying the principle of "Run everywhere after develop once", we have designed a profile which have data types and stereotypes of model, class and property meta-class. We have generated the code from class diagram by Acceleo. Our methodology is validated by two case studies demonstrating that the idea is workable. Moreover, one empirical case study was given to 12 industry professional, for evaluating the saving of development effort using the proposed methodology. We found that the proposed approach reduced the amount of effort significantly. Key Words: Hybrid App, Web App, Model-Based Scaffolding, CRUD, MDA, Web service MS-CSE-15 MSTHESIS ABSTRACT. Database management Systems (DBMS) are one the most critical component of a software application. Searching data from DBMS is an enormous part in software performance. Text search engines are also used for searching, but these engines lack sophisticated DBMS features. Relational database management systems (RDBMS) are not quite compatible with modern objectoriented languages. To overcome the complexity of data and object-oriented programming, modern development practices adopted Object Relation Mapping frameworks (ORM). ORM bears a layer of abstraction between object models and database. This layer automatically bridges objects in OOP languages to database records, which results in significantly reducing custom mapping code complexity. ORM has its advantages but on the other side it comes with be some challenges too. In process of mapping objects and data, ORM keeps the relations between objects intact and that results in retrieval of multiple objects from multiple tables. When the data is big and have a hieratical structure, data retrieval or search becomes more complex. Database performance for the retrieval of data are optimized by adding indexing to each table. Indexing makes search significantly fast but also makes other processes slow because tables are required to be re-index every time a record is changed. Hence an optimized solution is required to resolve this problem in ORM search process. To overcome this problem, this research proposes a java-based framework that can interact between ORM and search engine. It consumes search engine web APIs to provide a layer that can convert and search objects to/from XML. It makes search process faster and support ORM with its object-oriented methodology. Moreover, this framework not only reduces performance load on databases but also makes search queries simpler when implemented in development process. The results have been validated by two case studies, which were carried out by implementing each approach. 1000 similar search queries were processed on each framework and results shows 30 to 40 % improvement in query time. Keywords: DBMS Search, Indexing, Text Search Engines, Solr inedexes, Object oriented programming (OOP), Object Relation Mapping (ORM), Search optimization, Information Retrieval, database indexing Coasts, Oceans, Ports and Rivers Institute (American Society of Civil Engineers). Dry Dock Asset Management Task Committee. edited by Chris Heunen, Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh, and Edward Grefenstette, University of Oxford, Department of Computer Science. New York University. Division of General Education. Center for Safety Education. Personal characteristics of traffic-accident repeaters. INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION - CHARTS, DIAGRAMS ETC, ORGANIZATION CHARTS, REENGINEERING MANAGEMENT, BENCHMARKING MANAGEMENT, ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS MODELING OF DYNAMIC SYSTEM.CONTROL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEM.CONTROL ENGINEERING ANWAR DIL 1928, EDUCATION, UNIVERSITY EDUCATION, INTERCULTURAL EDUCATION, INTERNAITONAL EDUCATION, ONE WORLD CULTURE, INTERNAITON DEVELOPMENT OPTICAL DETECTORS DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OPTICAL COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES ACC NO-30219 VEHICLE ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS AND CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY STARTER BATTERIES DRIVE-TRACTION BATTERIES ALTERNATORS STARTING SYSTEMS LIGHTING TECHNOLOGY CLEANING SYSTEMS THEFT DETERENCE SYSTEMS COMFORT AND CONVENIENCE SYSTEMS VEHICLE NAVIGATION AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS OCCUPANT SAFETY SYSTEMS DRIVING SAFETY SYSTEMS GASOLINE ENGINE MANAGEMENT DIESEL ENGINE MANAGEMENT PISTON TEMPERATURE TELEMETRY SYSTEM 1-12 INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES 13-22 UNIVERSAL AIR FUEL RADIO HEATED EXHAUST GAS OXYGEN SENSOR AND FURTHER APPLICATIONS 23-36 MIXTURE STRENGTH AT CRANKING CYCLES OF GASOLINE ENGINE STARTING 37-48 MINIATURE MAGNETOSTRICTUVE MISFIRE SENSOR 49-56 NONLINEAR CLOSED LOOP SI ENGINE CONTROL OBSERVER 57-74 ADAPTIVE TORQUE CONTROL OF DIESEL ENGINE FOR TRANSIENT TEST CYCLES 75-92 AN ATUMATIC PARAMETER MATCHING FOR ENGINE FUEL IMJECTION CONTROL 93-102 MODELING OF THE DYNAMIC PROCESSES IN AN ELECTRONIC DIESEL FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM 103-116 ADAPTIVE ENGINE CONTROL UNIT WITH FEEDBACK KNOCK SIGNAL 117-120 ACC NO-28040 ACC NO-27345.SP-898 MS-MECH-84 MSTHESIS ABSTRACT. Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems (RMS) effectively respond to fluctuating market needs and customer demands for finished product. Diagnosability is a supporting characteristic of RMS that has a say in the quality of finished product. Cost and time taken for manufacturing are also considerably affected if proper diagnosability measures are not taken. Previous studies on Diagnosability of RMS have been studied from Axiomatic System Theory as such Design For Diagnosability (DFD). Nevertheless Diagnosability remains to be the least studied characteristic of RMS. With the availability of digitized data, Machine Learning approaches to advance manufacturing have proven to be considerably effective. A research gap existed for the application of Machine Learning techniques in improving the Diagnosability of RMS. A framework of Machine Learning has been proposed to address this gap. The working of the framework has been illustrated by two demonstrations from the available datasets, one in identifying proper signals in semi-conductor manufacturing to predict excursions, and the second in predicting machine failures due to a variety of factors. The framework is rendered in a concurrent-engineering fashion. The framework is tested against two available manufacturing datasets. Increase in Diagnosability will decrease the cost and time taken to production. Key Words: Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Preventive Maintenance, Intelligent Manufacturing USE OF A NEW FORMULA IN THE ANALYSIS OF TORSIONAL HARMONIC EXCITATIONS FOR IC ENGINES 209-214 A NEW METHD FOR ENGINE DESIGN USING DYNAMIC OPTIMIZATION ANS SUBSTRUCTURE SYNTHESIS METHOD 215-220 DYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF RIB PATTERNS 221-228 SIMULTANEOUS OPTIMUM DESIGN METHOD FOR MULTIPLE DYNAMIC ABSORBERS TO CONTROL MULTIPLE RESONANCE PEAKS 229-238 A SHOCK ABSORBER VIBRATION ANALYSIS HIGH FREQUENCY AND LOW FREQUENCY 239-244 EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF POWER PLANT VIBRATIONS BY SHAKER TEST 245-254 DESIGN STRATEGIES FOR LOW NOISE ENGINE CONCEPTS 255-264 INVESTIGATIONS ON INFLUNCE OF ENGINE BLOCK DESIGN FEATURES ON NOISE AND VIBRATION 265-282 ON COMBUSTION NOISE AND WORKING STABILITY OF 6130Q DIESEL ENGINE 283-290 NOISE AND VIBRATION REFINEMENT OF THE FORD 3.8 LITER POWERTRIN 291-306 A NEW METHOD FOR CAR BODY DESIGN OPTIMIZATION 307-316 ACCOUSTIC ANALYSIS OF TRUCK CAB 317-322 FREQUENCY OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUE BASED ON THE ANTI RESONANCE SENSITIVITY METHOD 323-328 THE APPLICATION OF NOISE SIMULATION TECHNIQUES TO CONCEPTUAL AUTOMATIVE POWERTRAIN DESIGN 329-338 IMPROVING INTERIOR NOISE PRODUCED DURING ACCELERATION 339-348 A DEVELOPMENT PROCESS TO IMPROVE VEHICLE SOUND QUALITY 349-358 STATISTICAL EVALUATION OF AN ANNOYANCE INDEX FOR ENGINE NOISE RECORDING 359-368 DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION OF AN EVALUATION TECHNIQUE TO ASSESS THE SUBJECTIVE CHARACTER OF ENGINE NOISE 369-380 DIAGNOSIS AND OBJECTIVE EVALUATION OF GEAR RATTLE 381-396 THE DEVELOPMENT OF VIBRATION DAMPING STEEL SHEETS FOR INNER RANELS OF AUTOMOTIVE VEHICLES 397-406 THE EFFECTS OF DYNAMIC STRAIN SMPLITUDE AND STATIC PRESTRAIN ON THE PROPERTIES OF VISCOELASTIC MATERIALS 407-416 THE POWER INJECTION METHOD FOR VIBRATION DAMPING DETERMINATION OF BODY PANELS WITH APPLIED DAMPING TREATMENTS AND TRIM 417-426 PANEL VIBRATION CONTROL FOR BOOMING NOISE REDUCTION 427-434 DESIGN OPTIMIZATION OF MDI BASED POLYURETHANE FOAM BACKED AUTOMOTIVE CARPETS SYSTEMS 435-442 INVETSIGATING CALCULATED LOUDNESS ISO 532 FOR EVALUATING IMPULSIVE SOUNDS 443-452 MEASURING THE LOUDNESS OF DOOR STAMS 453-456 A NEW TWO MICROPHONE IMPEDANCE TUBE WITH IMPROVED MICROPHONE DESIGN FOR MATERIALS TESTING 457-460 STUDY ON TEST AND PRODUCT VARIATIONS OF NOISE REDUCTION CAPABILITIES OF HEADLINES 461-478 ACC NO-30824 ACC NO-30825
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