
Did you mean: Search also for broader subjects Search also for related subjects Search also for narrower subjects Conference on Great Lakes Research (37th : 1994 : Windsor, Ont.) Water resources development Government policy. Water resources development Geographic information systems. Water resources development Government policy Pakistan Rees, Gareth . W Rees, W.G International Workshop on ppropriate Methodologies for development and management of ground water resources in developing countries POWER RESOURCES; POWER MECHANICS; ENERGY FROM FOSSIL FUELS; NUCLEAR ENERGY; SOLAR ENERGY-USE; ALTERNATIVE SOURCES OF ENERGY; HYDROELECTRIC POWER; WIND POWER; OCEAN THERMAL ENERGY; GEOTHERMAL ENERGY; TIDAL ENERGY; ENERGY STORAGE; ENERGY CONSERVATION; PLANT AND FOOD PRODUCTION; RADIATION AND MAN; TRANSPORTATION; POLLUTION OF ATMOSPHERE; WATER AND ITS POLLUTION; NOISE; NUCLEAR WEAPONS; FISSION WEAPONS; HYDROGEN BOMB; NUCLEAR WEAPONS EFFECTS; WEAPONS INVENTORY; WEAPONS DELIVERY SYSTEMS; NUCLEAR WEAPONS IN THE WORLD Environmental and Water Resources Institute (U.S.). Task Committee on the State of the Art in Long-Term Groundwater Monitoring Design. RENEWABLE ENERGY RESOURCES.SOLAR ENERGY.PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEMS.BIOMASS.BIOFUELS.BIOGASS.BIOPOWER.HYDROPOWER.WIND ENERGY.GEOTHERMAL ENERGY MS-COMPUTER ENGINEERING-2017 MSTHESIS ABSTRACT. The use and vast implementation of Discrete Fourier Transform has revolutionized the world and allowed the researchers to think of the modern world from a different perspective. The discovery of Fast Fourier Transform has laid the foundation of an entirely new dimension to the modern world. Keeping in view its utmost importance in the future industry researchers tried to design its hardware architecture as per the requirement of the application. Several architectures have been proposed time to time with new inventions in the previous designs. Some architectures consider clock rate, some take architectural area into consideration, some focuses on parallel execution of the algorithm, so on and so forth. Considering all these inputs to the industry that has been a part to modern world time to time, this research presents an empirical model based upon the optimal architectures for Fast Fourier Transform algorithm for n-bits m-points input. This empirical model is obtained by making several architectures and their respective characteristics are obtained. The data obtained is then passed through a machine learning algorithm known as Regression Algorithm. Linear, quadratic and cubic regression technique is applied to achieve the hierarchy of the designed architectural parameters and this intern will provide us with the empirical models of the architecture. This model will provide us with the specifications of the futuristic architecture that mainly depends upon the one's requirement i.e. either one considers a single parameter or a tradeoff between different hardware parameters. The parameters that are mainly considered are number of Slice LUT's, LUT FF Pairs, clock rate, number of processing elements and number of clock cycles required. This proposed methodology can be applied to any hardware architectural designs for analysis and generation of empirical models. Key Words: Discrete Fourier Transform, Fast Fourier Transform, Processing Element, Butterfly Architecture, n Radix FFT, Permutation Matrix, Kronecker Product DEVELOPMENT OF NEW CONTROL METHODS TO IMPROVE RESPONSE OF THROTTLE TYPE TRACTION CONTROL SYSTEM 1-8 DESIGN AND SELECTION FACTORS FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE TAPERED ROLLER BEARINGS 9-24 TOYOTA FIVE SPEED AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION WITH APPLICATION OF MODERN CONTROL THEORY 25-36 VISCOUS COUPLINGS IN 4WD VEHICLES APPLICATION OF COMPUTATIONAL MODELLING 37-46 DEVELOPMENT OF PROPELLER SHAFT WITH A NEW NYLON COATING 47-58 APPLICATION OF HARD SHOT PEEING TO AUTOMOTIVE TRANSMISSION GEARS 59-66 DEVELOPMENT OF HIGH STRENGTH TRANSMISSION GEARS 67-76 DYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF AUTOMOTIVE GEARING SYSTEM 77-88 GEAR NOISE DEVELOPMENT USING DR. TAGUCHI'S TOLERANCE DESIGN OF EXPERIMENT APPROACH 89-94 STUDY ON TORQUE CONVERTER CIRCUIT PROFILE 95-102 CLUTCH ENGAGEMENT SIMULATION ENGAGEMENT WITHOUT THROTTLE 103-118 A METHOD FOR ANALYZING FLOW THROUGH AN OIL STRAINER UTILIZING A COMPUER 119-124 DEVELOPMENT OF ROM MANAGEMENT AND EVALUATION SYSTEM FOR ELECTRONIC TRANSMISSION CONTROL UNITS 125-136 A TRANSMISSION CONCEPT FOR IMPROVING FUEL ECONOMY AND MAKING DRIVING MORE FUN 137-146 ACC NO-27355 ACC NO-30840 ACC NO-28047 ACC NO-28043.SP-905 SPEECH, IMAGE, VIDEO AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, WIRELESS, MOBILE AND SENSOR NETWORKS, COMPUTER VISION AND GRAPHICS, COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUES AND SYSTEMS, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND FUZZY LOGIC, COMPUTER NETWORKS AND UBIQUITOUS COMPUTING, ASIC DESIGN AND EMBEDDED SYSTEMS, MICROELECTRONICS AND MEMS, NANOTECHNOLOGY AND QUANTUM COMPUTING, ALGORITHMS, TOOLS & APPLICATIONS, GEO-INFORMATICS, MODELING & SIMULATION, POWER AND ALTERNATE ENERGY RESOURCES, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, AUTOMATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING AND DATABASES MS-CSE-15 MSTHESIS ABSTRACT. The use of web and mobile applications is growing very rapidly in the modern era. Due to high end demand of such applications, the software stakeholders want the applications to be available on both mobile and web. In software industry this requires more efforts to develop applications for both mobile and web. Consequently, more resources with different technology experts are needed for the development of multiplatform applications. The software engineers always look for time saving and robust methodology for good, quick and qualitative software development. Web and mobile applications usually composed of three layers i.e. application, business and data. Application layer deals with the UI related concepts that run on browser. On the other hand, business layer deals with the business logic that is usually implemented on server side. Finally, data layer deals the data access from database. We have performed the literature review in which we found that a methodology is needed where the software engineers can generate scaffolding code for the data and presentation layers considering the modern development technologies of hybrid (ionic) and web apps (angular). Normally in software industry, the system analysts design the class diagram and is handled over to the software developers. The developers start writing code in client side technology, server side technology and also generate database according to the class diagram. We have proposed the model-based methodology for the development of applications for both mobile and web applications, because, Model Driven Architecture (MDA) is renowned software design approach in software industry that make the software development very rapid and consistent. MDA facilitate the development of multiplatform applications from one UML diagram. Specifically, by applying the principle of "Run everywhere after develop once", we have designed a profile which have data types and stereotypes of model, class and property meta-class. We have generated the code from class diagram by Acceleo. Our methodology is validated by two case studies demonstrating that the idea is workable. Moreover, one empirical case study was given to 12 industry professional, for evaluating the saving of development effort using the proposed methodology. We found that the proposed approach reduced the amount of effort significantly. Key Words: Hybrid App, Web App, Model-Based Scaffolding, CRUD, MDA, Web service MS-MECH-84 MSTHESIS ABSTRACT. Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems (RMS) effectively respond to fluctuating market needs and customer demands for finished product. Diagnosability is a supporting characteristic of RMS that has a say in the quality of finished product. Cost and time taken for manufacturing are also considerably affected if proper diagnosability measures are not taken. Previous studies on Diagnosability of RMS have been studied from Axiomatic System Theory as such Design For Diagnosability (DFD). Nevertheless Diagnosability remains to be the least studied characteristic of RMS. With the availability of digitized data, Machine Learning approaches to advance manufacturing have proven to be considerably effective. A research gap existed for the application of Machine Learning techniques in improving the Diagnosability of RMS. A framework of Machine Learning has been proposed to address this gap. The working of the framework has been illustrated by two demonstrations from the available datasets, one in identifying proper signals in semi-conductor manufacturing to predict excursions, and the second in predicting machine failures due to a variety of factors. The framework is rendered in a concurrent-engineering fashion. The framework is tested against two available manufacturing datasets. Increase in Diagnosability will decrease the cost and time taken to production. Key Words: Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Preventive Maintenance, Intelligent Manufacturing STATIC PRESSURE MEASUREMENT IN ATORQUE CONVERTER STATE 1-10 A SYSTEM ENGINEERING APPROACH TO SUBSYSTEM DESIGN AUTOMOTIVE TRANSMISSION 11-16 DESIGN OF VANE PUMP SUCTION PORTING TO REDUCE CAVITATION AT HIGH OPERATION SPEEDS17-22 IMPROVING AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION SHIFT QUALITY BY FEEDBACK CONTROL WITH A TURBINE SPEED SENSOR 23-32 SATUM TRANSMISSION FAMILY PRODUCT AND PROCESS FLEXIBILITY BY DESIGN 33-42 A GREASE FILLED TORSIONAL COUPLING FOR CVT VEHICLES 43-50 AMETHOD FOR SELECTING PARALLEL CONNECTED PLANETARY GEAR TRAIN ARRAGEMENTS FOR AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION 51-60 RESONANCE TYPE GEAR FATIGUE TESTER 61-66 A STUDY ON GEAR NOISE REDUCTION BASED ON HELICAL GEAR TOOTH 67-72 ACC NO-27349 ACC NO-28048 ENGINEERING HANDBOOKS,MANUALS,ETC STATICS MECHANICS OF MATERIALS DYNAMICS AND VIBERATION KINEMATICS AND MECHANISMS STRUCTURES FLUID MECHANICS THERODYNAMICS AND HEAT TRANSFER SEPARATION PROCESS FUELS AND ENERGY CONVERSION KINETICS AND REACTION ENGINEERING GEOTECHNICAL TRANSPORTATION COASTAL AND OCEAN ENGINEERING WATER RESOURCE ENGINEERING LINEAR SYSTEMS AND MODELS DIGITAL SYSTEMS COMMUNICATION AND SIGNAL PROCESSING COMPUTERS SURVEYING CONTROL SYSTEMS MANUFACTURING AERONAUTICAL AND AEROSPACE SAFETY ENGINEERING ENGINEERING ECONOMIC AND MANAGEMENT MATERIALS ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-INTRODUCTION
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