
Did you mean: SECURITY IN NEW MILLENNIUM INDIAN NATIONAL SECURITY INDIAN FOREIGN RELATIONS INDIA'S DRAFT NUCLEAR DOCTRINE CTBT DEBATE,INDIAN POINT OF VIEW INDIA PAKISTAN RELATIONS IN FUTURE ISI OPERATIONS IN INDIA MISSILE RACE IN SUBCONTINENT FORCE MULTIPLIER TECHNOLOGIES FUTURE BATTLEFIELD SCENARIO FORCE STRUCTURE-CHINA FORCE STRUCTURE-INDIA FORCE STRUCTURE-PAKISTAN INDIAN DEFENCE BUDGET 1999-2000 DRDO'S RECENT AND CURRENT PROJECTS INDIAN ARMY INDIAN NAVY INDIAN AIRFORCE INDIAN DEFENCE COOPERATION WITH FOREIGN PARTNERS DEFEXPO INDIA 1999 INDIA DEFEXPO 1999 ISRAEL AT DEFEXPO INDIA 1999 INDIAN ARMED FORCES DEFENCE ORGANISATION INDIAN WEAPON SYSTEMS INDIAN ARMED FORCES EQUIPMENT INDIAN DEFENCE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Social interaction in children Interpersonal relations in children INDIA'S NUCLEAR PROGRAMME PAKISTAN NUCLEAR TEST INDIAN NATIONAL SECURITY INDIA'S FOREIGN RELATIONS INDIA-ISRAEL DEFENCE COOPERATION WEAPON SYSTEMS-RUSSIAN IN INDIAN ARMY MILITARY BALANCE-CHINA,INDIA AND PAKISTAN INDIAN ARMED FORCES-ORGANIZATION WEAPON SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT IN INDIAN ARMY MS-MECH-84 MSTHESIS ABSTRACT. Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems (RMS) effectively respond to fluctuating market needs and customer demands for finished product. Diagnosability is a supporting characteristic of RMS that has a say in the quality of finished product. Cost and time taken for manufacturing are also considerably affected if proper diagnosability measures are not taken. Previous studies on Diagnosability of RMS have been studied from Axiomatic System Theory as such Design For Diagnosability (DFD). Nevertheless Diagnosability remains to be the least studied characteristic of RMS. With the availability of digitized data, Machine Learning approaches to advance manufacturing have proven to be considerably effective. A research gap existed for the application of Machine Learning techniques in improving the Diagnosability of RMS. A framework of Machine Learning has been proposed to address this gap. The working of the framework has been illustrated by two demonstrations from the available datasets, one in identifying proper signals in semi-conductor manufacturing to predict excursions, and the second in predicting machine failures due to a variety of factors. The framework is rendered in a concurrent-engineering fashion. The framework is tested against two available manufacturing datasets. Increase in Diagnosability will decrease the cost and time taken to production. Key Words: Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Preventive Maintenance, Intelligent Manufacturing Cricket--India--History. Cricket--Pakistan--History. India--Foreign relations--Pakistan. Pakistan--Foreign relations--India. EDUCATION - COMPUTER NETWORK RESOURCES, BUSINESS - COMPUTER NETWORK RESOURCES, INTERNET IN EDUCATION STRATEGIC ALLIANCES(BUSINESS)- CASE STUDIES, INTEROGANIZATIONAL RELATIONS- CASE STUDIES, ACADEMIC INDUSTRIAL COLLABORATION- CASE STUDIES, INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ENTERPRISES- CASE STUDIES Radio frequency integrated circuits -- Design and construction | Radio frequency integrated circuits -- Protection | Electrostatics | Electric discharges -- Prevention | Static eliminators IBM-COMPATIBLE COMPUTERS-MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR IBM-COMPATIABLE COMPUTERS-UPGRADING-HANDBOOK Environmental Research Institute of Michigan. Infrared Information and Analysis (IRIA) Center COMPUTER NETWORKS NETWORKS CLASSIFICATION NETWORK TOPOLOGIES PROTOCOLS ISO SEVEN LAYER REFERENCE MANUAL NOVELL NETWARE WINDOWS NT SERVER LAN CHARACTERISATION LAN ACCESS PROTOCOLS NETWORKING-PERSONAL COMPUTER PUBLIC PACKET SWITCHED DATA NETWORKS WIDE AREA NETWORKS-INDIA DATA COMMUNICATION CELLULAR TELEPHONY SATELLITE COMMUNICATION COMMUNICATION PROTOCOLS ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION MULTIPLE ACCESS PROTOCOLS IEEE STANDARD FOR LAN AND MAN BRIDGES ROUTERS RADIO MICROWAVE AND SATELLITE CHANNELS INTERNETS TCP-IP PROTOCOLS EDI STANDARDS INTERNET COMMERCE ARCHITECTURE INTRANETS INTERNET BASED E-COMMERCE ELECTRONIC PAYMENT SYSTEMS VALUE ADDED SERVICES E-COMMERCE LAWS SECURITY IMPLICATION LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER,VOL-VI NOISE,VOL-VI AMPLIFIER STABILITY,VOL-VI BIAS NETWORKS,VOL-VI SMALL SIGNAL AMPLIFIER DESIGN,VOL-VI NEGATIVE CIRCUIT ELEMENTS,VOL-V TRANSISTOR DATA,VOL-V POLAR IMPENDANCE AND ADMITTANCE CHARTS,VOL-V SMITH CHART AND ITS APPLICATIONS-IMPENDANCE MAPPING,VOL-V SMITH CHART AND ITS APPLICATIONS,VOL-V NETWORKS-L,T AND PI-NETWORKS,VOL-IV Q AND BANDWIDTH RELATION,VOL-IV CIRCUIT TOPOLOGIES,VOL-IV IMPENDANCE MATCHING TECHNIQUES,VOL-IV TWO-PORT CIRCUITS,VOL-III COAXIAL AND STRIPELINES,VOL-III VSWR,VOL-III TRAVELING WAVES,VOL-III TRANSMISSION LINE FUNDAMENTALS,VOL-III FREQUENCY AND IMPEDANCE SCALLING,VOL-II LOADED AND UNLOADED Q,VOL-II RESONANT CIRCUITS AND FILTERS,VOL-II FILTERS AND RESONANT CIRCUITS,VOL-II FET MODEL,VOL-I REACTANCE CHART,VOL-I CAPACITOR MODELS,VOL-I TOROIDS,VOL-I RF WAVEFORMS,VOL-I HIGH FREQUENCY EFFECT,VOL-I CIRCUIT FUNDAMENTALS Indian road congress Indian Roads Congress. Indian Research council MS-CSE-15 MSTHESIS ABSTRACT. Database management Systems (DBMS) are one the most critical component of a software application. Searching data from DBMS is an enormous part in software performance. Text search engines are also used for searching, but these engines lack sophisticated DBMS features. Relational database management systems (RDBMS) are not quite compatible with modern objectoriented languages. To overcome the complexity of data and object-oriented programming, modern development practices adopted Object Relation Mapping frameworks (ORM). ORM bears a layer of abstraction between object models and database. This layer automatically bridges objects in OOP languages to database records, which results in significantly reducing custom mapping code complexity. ORM has its advantages but on the other side it comes with be some challenges too. In process of mapping objects and data, ORM keeps the relations between objects intact and that results in retrieval of multiple objects from multiple tables. When the data is big and have a hieratical structure, data retrieval or search becomes more complex. Database performance for the retrieval of data are optimized by adding indexing to each table. Indexing makes search significantly fast but also makes other processes slow because tables are required to be re-index every time a record is changed. Hence an optimized solution is required to resolve this problem in ORM search process. To overcome this problem, this research proposes a java-based framework that can interact between ORM and search engine. It consumes search engine web APIs to provide a layer that can convert and search objects to/from XML. It makes search process faster and support ORM with its object-oriented methodology. Moreover, this framework not only reduces performance load on databases but also makes search queries simpler when implemented in development process. The results have been validated by two case studies, which were carried out by implementing each approach. 1000 similar search queries were processed on each framework and results shows 30 to 40 % improvement in query time. Keywords: DBMS Search, Indexing, Text Search Engines, Solr inedexes, Object oriented programming (OOP), Object Relation Mapping (ORM), Search optimization, Information Retrieval, database indexing INOGUCHI, RIKIHEI CAPTAIN INOGUCHI, RIKIHEI CAPTIAN DOPPLER RADAR MOVING TARGET INDICATIOR RADAR RADAR IMAGING AND MOTION COMPENSATION 1. INTERNET (COMPUTER NETWORK) 2. GOPHER SERVERS 3. WORLD WIDE WEB (INFORMATION RETRIVAL SYSTEM) 4. WAIS (INFORMATION RETRIVAL SYSTEM)
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